suss - meaning and definition. What is suss
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What (who) is suss - definition

Süss; Suß; Sueß; SüB; Süb; Sueb; SuB

Süß (often transliterated into English: Suess, also sometimes Süss in German) is a German surname that means sweet.
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Suss; SUSS; S R Nathan School of Human Development; NSHD; SUSS School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences; SUSS School of Business; SUSS School of Science and Technology; SUSS Business; SUSS SBIZ; Singapore University of Social Sciences School of Business
(susses, sussing, sussed)
If you suss a person or situation, you realize or work out what their real character or nature is. (BRIT INFORMAL)
I think I've sussed the reason for it...
The women began to suss that there was no reason why they should be impressed by him...
We're getting the problem sussed.
VERB: V n, V that, get n V-ed, also V wh
Suss out means the same as suss
They're sussing out the area to see how strong the police presence is...
He susses his colleagues out and he knows who he can trust...
I'd had the training to suss out what he was up to.
PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P, V P wh, also V that
SÜSS MicroTec         
SUSS MicroTec
SÜSS MicroTec SE is a supplier of equipment and process solutions for the semiconductor industry and related markets.



Süß (often transliterated into English: Suess, also sometimes Süss in German) is a German surname that means sweet.

People with the name include:

  • Joseph Süß Oppenheimer (1698-1738), German-Jewish banker
    • Jud Süß (disambiguation), literary and dramatic works about Joseph Süß Oppenheimer
  • Christoph Süß (1967), German comedian
  • Christian Süß (1985), German table tennis player at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing
  • Wilhelm Süss, mathematician
Pronunciation examples for suss
1. Suss out the people.
Blum _ Talks at Google
2. to suss out clues
3. not "Jud Suss"-- which one is it--
Firewall - The Propagandist's Guide to Self-Defense _ Jack Nolan _ Talks at Google
4. for the elite colleges to be able to suss out
Rethinking College Admission Tests _ Rebecca Kantar _ Talks at Google
5. that can suss out emotional states and even lying
Examples of use of suss
1. It is really just a very extended interview and it set quite intelligent tests to suss out the candidates.
2. Suss out shops and stalls initially on the basis of the willingness and transparency with which they answer your questions, then reward them with your repeat custom.
3. The two Canadian infantry officers are trying to suss out whether Taliban fighters are using this tree–lined Afghan village as a base, but the answers seem to change by the minute.
4. How could Posh snub her? – Smileyrose, UK Didn‘t take JLo long to suss out what Posh is really like did it?! – Terri, UK View all Add your comment Name: Your email address will not be publishedEmail: Town and country: Terms and conditionsYour comment: make text area biggerYou have characters left.
5. But it was a case of ‘Just get on with it‘. ‘Learning on your feet is not easy‘ "I like a challenge but I was very much going in there with two left feet and trying to suss it out for myself.